Sunday, April 11, 2010

Update with the News Paper!

Good afternoon Club penguin peoples! Today in the news there is many things going on ! So here is the update on the news:
In focus : It talks about how they met a tour guide he had said to them,"It is sports season all year long", Than he had took them to the ice rink. Quote : " The fans can feel the electricity going through their feet!""He goes for the goal, he goes even FASTER! He shoots , then..........
HE SCORES!!! The fans go wild !
Once they had left the tour guide took them to the Ski hill (to watch Sled racing), the tour guide had reminded them that " only the best of the best come to the ski hill to compete".
After that they went to the cove ..... The tour guide had said surfing is not a sport ..... Its a life style!

Advice from Aunt Arctic: As always Aunt Arctic gives great advice to penguins all over the island , So one of the penguins wrote to her : Dear Aunt Arctic , How do I get to Rock hoppers Island and whats there?

A: It is a mystery how you really get there , in fact only his sailors had come to his island........ His puffles.....

Top secret : If you didnt already know , If you make it to the Jet pack game, you will receive a 1,000 coin prize!

reminder : April 22nd is Earth day! So make sure you take care of the earth and make your community a better place!

Thanks for reading!


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